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Yan peng

Name: YAN, Peng

Professional title: Associate Professor

Subject: Solid Mechanics

Research Interests: Mechanics of composite materials; Micromechanics of heterogeneous Materials; Multi-scale mechanics of materials during design, manufacture and service


He received BS degree and Ph.D from Beihang University in 2003 and 2009, respectively. He also did postdoctoral researches on materials forming in Beihang University in 2009-2011, and on applied mechanics in University Catholic of Louvain (UCL) in 2013-2014, respectively. He currently is an associate professor in Institute of Solid Mechanics, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University. His research areas are in development and application of multiscale method in the study of mechanical behavior of materials and structures in extreme environments. He has published more than thirty scientific papers in academic journals.

He teaches courses for undergraduate students and graduate students: “Mechanics of materials”, “Engineering Mechanics”, “Elasticity and Plasticity”.

Contact information:

Institute: Institute of Solid Mechanics, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA).

Address: Beihang University, Xueyuan Road 37#, Haidian District, Beijing, China.

Post Code: 100083

E-Mail: [email protected]

[email protected]


Representative papers:

[1] Yan Peng, Zhang Zhiao, Chen Fuli, Jiang Chiping, Wang Xiaojun, Qiu Zhiping. Effective transport properties of composites with a doubly-periodic array of fiber pairs and with a triangular array of fibers. Zamm - Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 2018, 98(2): 312-329.

[2] Yan Peng, Dong Junshuai, Chen Fuli, Song Fan. Unified complex variable solution for the effective transport properties of composites with a doublyperiodic array of fibers. Zamm - Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 2017, 97(4): 397-413.

[3] Yan Peng, Delannay L., Payne J.F.B., Tzelepi N. Micromechanistic modelling of the polycrystalline response of graphite under temperature changes and irradiation. Carbon, 2016, 96(): 827–835.

[4] Yan Peng, Jiang Chiping, Song Fan. Unified series solution for the anti-plane effective magnetoelectroelastic moduli of three-phase fiber composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(1): 176–185.

[5] Yan Peng, Jiang Chiping, Song Fan. An eigenfunction expansion-variational method for the anti-plane electroelastic behavior of three-phase fiber composites. Mechanics of Materials, 2011, 43(10): 586–597.

[6] Yan Peng, Chen Fuli, Jiang Chiping, Song Fan. An eigenfunction expansion–variational method in prediction of the transverse thermal conductivity of fiber reinforced composites considering interfacial characteristics. Composites Science and Technology, 2010, 70(12): 1726–1732.

[7] Yan Peng, Chen Fuli, Jiang Chiping, Song Fan. U-transformation-finite element method in 3-dimensional analysis of orthotropic laminates. Composite Structures, 2010, 92(12): 3002-3010.

[8] Dong Leiting, Wang Junbo, Yan Peng*, Guo Zaoyang. A Trefftz collocation method for multiple interacting spherical nano-inclusions considering the interface stress effect. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 94: 172–183

[9] Delannay L., Yan Peng, Payne J.F.B., Tzelepi N.. Predictions of inter-granular cracking and dimensional changes of irradiated polycrystalline graphite under plane strain. Computational Materials Science, 2014, 87, 129-137.

[10] Guinovart-Diaz, R., Yan Peng, Rodriguez-Ramos, R.; et al. Effective properties of piezoelectric composites with parallelogram periodic cells. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2012, 53: 58-66.

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