
11月30日Damiano CASALINO报告预告
发布时间:2017-11-29   浏览次数:

报告题目:On the usage of theLattice-Boltzmann method for aircraft and rotorcraft aeroacoustics: fromfundamental research to engineering deployment

主讲人:Damiano CASALINO




The present seminar introduces the Lattice-Boltzmann Method (LBM) inthe framework of aerospace engineering, with a particular focus on someaeroacoustic applications. In the first part of the seminar, benchmark studiesare presented in the field of airframe, aero-engine and helicopter blade-vortexinteraction noise. The scalability of the computational model for full aircraftnoise simulations is discussed in relation with the ultimate goal of integratingCFD/CAA simulations in the process of aircraft noise certification. The secondpart of the seminar is focused on the usage of LBM simulations to investigate,at a more fundamental level, the mechanism of aeroacoustic resonance occurringbetween two facing annular cavities. This phenomenon has been initiallyobserved in the framework of code benchmarking for aircraft landing gear noise,and has been successively investigated by performing a geometrical parametricstudy. The analysis has revealed that a retroaction mechanism can take placebetween shear-layer vortical fluctuations and a combination of round cavitymodes and cross-flow acoustic modes. The properties of the modes have beenelucidated by filtering the unsteady flow in narrow bands around the tonalfrequencies and investigating the azimuthal structure of the fluctuation field.


Prof Casalino receives his aeronautic engineering degree in TurinPolytechnic, and PhD in fluid-dynamics and acoustics from Turin Polytechnic andEcole Centrale de Lyon respectively. He has research interests in aeroacousticsthat cover frequency-domain CAA for duct acoustics and installation effects,sound propagation in sheared flows, integral methods, stochastic noisegeneration, advanced experimental techniques for space launcher noise,helicopter trajectory optimization, vortex-airfoil interaction noise, lineroptimization. He is the chair of Aeroacoustics in the Aerospace faculty ofDelft University of Technology, and senior director of aerospace applicationmanagement at Exa Corporation. His focus is on the industrial exploitation ofthe lattice Boltzmann method for airframe and engine noise prediction. He isauthor and co-author of about thirty archival journal publications in the fieldof aeroacoustics.

上一条:11月30日胡湘渝报告预告 下一条:11月30日孙晓峰/杜林报告预告

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