
11月30日Peter BRANDSTÄTT报告预告
发布时间:2017-11-29   浏览次数:

报告题目:Noise Reduction technology inlarge acoustic infrastructure





The Lecturewill first introduce Fraunhofer IBP as a research institution. Then the lecturewill cover the evolution and conversion of aerodynamic wind tunnels toaero-acoustic ones. Different concepts and components are presented that areemployed to reduce the fan noise in the duct and to create an acoustic freefield in the plenum. Some details are given on concepts and componentsdeveloped by Fraunhofer. Examples of realized wind tunnels will be showntogether with achieved acoustic properties.


First study of Building Physics at Applied University of TechnicsHfT in Stuttgart, then Master of Science Study in Sound and Vibration and Institute of Sound and Vibration Research ISVR, Southampton.Employment asresearcher at University Stuttgart and then at Fraunhofer IBP since 1997 in theAcoustics department with a specialization on duct acoustics and silencerdesign. Since 1999 position as Group Manager Noise Control and since 2008additionally Group Manager of Vehicle Acoustics. He became Head of DepartmentAcoustics in 2016. Since 1999, Lecturer at HfT Stuttgart in the Faculty ofFundamentals and Building Physics on Duct Acoustics and Noise Control.

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