
11月30日Rinie AKKERMANS报告预告
发布时间:2017-11-29   浏览次数:

报告题目:CROR noise radiation and itsmitigation





Aircraftnoise is a significant nuisance for the community around airports. Depending onthe flight condition of an aircraft, the dominant noise sources can beidentified as engine or airframe noise (e.g., during take-off or landing).During this presentation, I will address installation effects of theContra-Rotating Open Rotor (CROR). Such CROR engines (two propellers in tandemconfiguration that rotate in opposite direction) suffer from a more pronouncedsound radiation as compared to turbofan engines due to the high tip Mach numberand the absence of a duct. I will talk about the isolated and installed CRORnoise radiation. Finally, I will consider front-rotor trailing-edge blowing asa means of reducing interaction noise of Open Rotors.


RinieAkkermans is a Professor in turbulence and aeroacoustics at the TU Braunschweigin Germany. He holds an MSc degree in Aerospace Engineering from the TU Delftand a Dr.-degree from the Eindhoven University of technology on the topic oftwo-dimensional turbulence (both in the Netherlands). After obtaining theDr.-degree, he worked for four years at the German Aerospace Center DLR onaeroacoustics of propeller engines. Since starting his professorship at the TUBraunschweig beginning 2014, he is doctoral advisor of 4 PhD student (twoexternal with Volkswagen AG) and responsible for research and education relatedto turbulence and aeroacoustics.

上一条:12月20日许春晓报告预告 下一条:11月30日李晓东报告预告

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