



报告题目 Computational Aeroelasticity and Flight Dynamics

Andrea Da Ronch



邀请人:手机百家乐网址大全 飞机系李道春副教授


The talk given by Dr Andrea Da Ronch will introduce the University of Southampton and its privileged position in the UK educational system over-viewing the most important aspects that recently made the University number 1 in General Engineering in the UK. Then, the talk will concentrate on some research activities that have been carried out by Dr Da Ronch in the last years. In particular, research topics related to computational aeroelasticity and flight dynamics will be discussed, with particular focus on nonlinear conditions (flow nonlinearities, large structural deformations, etc.). Note that the presenter has been and still remains one of the main developers of the CEASIOM software for aircraft design, around which several research questions of industrial relevance still remain to be solved. An overview of a recent collaborative research between the University of Southampton and Beijing University of Aerospace and Astronautics, with Dr Daochun Li as co-applicant, will then be presented, explaining the fundamental aspects behind the successful application.


Apr 2013 - present New Frontiers Fellow, Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics research group, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, UK. Lecturer of Aerospace Engineering.

Apr 2011 - Mar 2013 Post-doctoral Research Associate on “Nonlinear Flexibility Effects on Flight Dynamics and Control of Next-Generation Aircraft” under EPSRC funding (EP/I014594/1); University of Liverpool, UK.

Mar 2012 PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering; School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK.