


时 间: 126(周五) 下午2:30-5:00
地 点: 北京航空航天大学 新主楼C912
报告人之一: 柳占立 副教授
报告题目: 材料变形和断裂的基于扩展有限元的模拟
内容介绍: 当材料内部出现强间断如裂纹、剪切带,或弱间断如材料界面时,给数值模拟带来很多挑战。该报告将结合扩展有限元在裂纹、复合材料界面、位错等研究中的应用,介绍该方法在研究材料复杂变形和失效模式中广阔的应用前景。
报告人简介: 柳占立,清华大学航院固体力学研究所副教授。 2004 年清华工程力学系学士。 2009 年清华工程力学系获博士学位。 2009-2012 年在美国西北大学机械工程系做博士后研究。教育部全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者。主要研究领域为计算固体力学、断裂力学、复合材料力学。已发表学术论文 30 余篇,专著 1 部。
报告人之二: 徐志平 副研究员
报告题目: Mechanics of carbon materials, from a microstructural perspective
内容介绍: Carbon, especially in their graphitic forms, is important in a wide variety of applications, ranging from high-performance fibers to environmental treatment. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work on the mechanics of materials made of carbon nanostructures such as carbon nanotube networks and graphene-derived papers and fibers, with a focus on the microstructure-performance relationship andfollowed by some discussions on theirkey applications.
报告人简介: Dr. Zhiping Xu received his B.S. (2002) and Ph.D (2007) from Tsinghua University. After working at Rice University (2007-2008) and MIT (2008-2010), he returned to Tsinghua as an associate professor in year 2010. His recent research interests include mechanics and physics of networked materials and microscale fluid-structure interactions, and their applications in environmental and energy industries.