

Department of Flight Dynamics and Control


  Department of Flight Dynamics and Control comes from Teaching and Research Section of Flight Dynamics, and Flight Dynamics is one of the earliest four aeronautic major in Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. The major of Flight Dynamics is the first batch subject foundation admitted by National Education Commission which has the right to grant Master (in 1978) and PhD (in 1981) degrees, and also is the first batch Postdoctoral Research Station. Now it has formed a complete undergraduate, master and doctoral training system, and obvious preponderance of subject research direction.

   Based on the traditional advantages, affected by the international main research trend and driven by the domestic demand, the discipline’s field has been broadened, developed and innovated. a wide, distinctive and prospects for development research direction has been founded. Now it has achieved a leading influential research Achievements in many aspects, such as dynamic characteristics and flight control of the new configuration aircraft, carrier-based airplane landing dynamics, man-machine closed-loop flying qualities, miniature aircraft design and flight tests. In order to meet the needs of the departments of aircraft design and application, the study of the discipline has also broadened the field of flight safety and has been established secondary discipline doctoral programs in 2005. At present, the professors of the department recruit Master students, PhD students in both flight aircraft design and flight dynamics and flight safety discipline research direction.

   The department is powerful in both research and teaching. There are 5 professors, 2 associate professors, 4 lecturers and 1 New Century Excellent Talent of Ministry of Education. Research projects include NKBRSF, NSFC project, the key innovative fund of Equipment Department, Aeronautical foundation, and other major military aviation and civil aviation pre-research project. Furthermore, more than 30 papers are published in domestic or international important journals every year. Since 1995, the department has won many rewards, including four 2nd-class of AICC Technology Progress Awards, one 1st-class and two 2nd-class of AICC the first group technology progress awards, five 3rd-class technology progress awards from the State Technology and Industry Committee. The course of “flight dynamics” has won the prize of Beijing Excellent Course.

Research field :
  1. The aircraft flight dynamics and control. Research objects Include flying wing vehicles, variants of the aircraft, large airliner, micro and miniature aircraft, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, agricultural airplane, Ground-effect plane, Space plane, water air amphibious plane; Helicopter, tiltrotor aircraft, aerostat, and so on.

  2. The flight simulation and the flight test technology. Including flight dynamics model and numerical simulation, the ground flight simulation of pilot in loop, flight test technology and parameter identification technique.

  3. Flight quality and safety. It Includes flight quality of military aircraft, airworthiness of civil aircraft, the comfort of passenger, driver handing safety, flight environmental safety and so on.

  4. Flight mission planning and Measure of Effectiveness. Including aircraft performance optimization, flight path planning, flight mission planning, combat effectiveness assessment, and so on.

  5. The department now has one laboratory for teaching, one laboratory for “985” Program, 2 UAVs and 5 flight simulators, including generic simulator, carrier-based airplane flight simulator, UAV simulator and civil aircraft flight simulator. It carries out opening flight mechanics comprehensive experimental for undergraduate and graduate of entire University.

Chief of the department:
Qu Xiangju                            Tel: 82317509

Secretary of the Party branch:
Dong Chaoyang                     Tel: 82317509