

11月29日Jan Werner DELFS报告预告


报告题目:Airframe related aeroacoustics - Research at DLR

主讲人:Jan Werner DELFS




As the sound generation in turbofan engines has decreased thesignificance of airframe related sound has increased. For example in landingapproach the sound associated with the airframe may even dominate the overallsound radiation of an aircraft. The influence of the airframe on aerosound isthreefold: i) Airframe components subjected to either their own turbulentboundary layer flow or to installation related turbulent flow act as sources ofsound, ii) The aerodynamic influence of the airframe may considerably changethe sound generation of the propulsion system, in particular of propellers,iii) the airframe may change the radiation characteristics of engine noise dueto reflection and diffraction of the sound waves at the aircraft surface aswell as refraction and scattering effects of the vortical flow in itsvicinity.The presentation gives an overview about prominent sources of airframecomponent noise as well as acoustic and source installation effects related tothe airframe. Results of research at DLR will be presented on the numerical andexperimental simulation of airframe component noise along with noise reductiontechnology. Recent work on aeroacoustic installation effects and theirsignificance for exterior noise will be discussed as well.


Prof Jan Werner Delfs is DGLR chairman of “flow acoustics andaviation noise”, German representative CEAS Aeroacoustics specialist committeeand AIAA member and associate member of “Aeroacoustics Technical Committee“. Hereceived his Ph,D degree from TU Braunschweig in 1994. After that, he worked asUniversity assistant C1 at Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid in MachinesKarlsruhe University. Between 1996 and 2002, he was a Scientific employee atDLR Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology. Since 2002, he has been thehead Technical Acoustics Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology of DLR(German Aerospace Center, Braunschweig, Germany) and at the same time theprofessorship for Technical Acoustics TU Braunschweig.