

11月30日Fulvio SCARANO报告预告


报告题目:Aeroacoustic noise generationmechanisms: hearing or seeing?

主讲人:Fulvio SCARANO




The increasingly stringent requirements on noise emissionfrom the aviation sector have stimulated the development of accurate methods toestimate the sound emission from an aircraft through wind tunnel tests.

The improved capabilities of microphone based techniquesallow nowadays identifying the noise source regions with acceptable spatialresolution and good spectral accuracy. Nevertheless, to fullyidentify thephysical mechanisms behind the generation of aeroacoustic noise, specificaerodynamic experiments and numerical simulations are performed yieldcomplementary information to the microphone data.

The advancements of time resolved tomographic PIV havepaved the way to the measurement of the instantaneous velocity and theestimation of the instantaneous pressure field, of paramount importance fornoise source detection.

The talk presents the fundamental principles to obtainacoustic information from PIV measurements, followed by a survey ofapplications, namely: rod-airfoil interaction; jet noise; trailing edge noiseand the effects of trailing edge manipulation by different types of serrations.

Further developments in this field are still neededbefore these techniques can be used in industrial facilities.

Most recently, with the introduction of large scale PIVhardware and techniques, some applications at industrial scale are becomingfeasible.


Prof Fulvio Scarano is the full professorof TU Delft and the chair of Aerodynamics (TUD). He graduated from theUniversity of Naples Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1996 andobtained his Ph.D. from the Von Karman Institute in 2000. In the same year, ProfFulvio Scarano joined the Aerospace Engineering Institute of Delft Universityof Technology, Netherlands. Fulvio Scarano's research field is about particleimaging technology (PIV technology) and its applications in the supersonic andhypersonic conditions and development.

He has been the project leader of “Flow Visualization BasedPressure-FLOVISP”, “Adaptive computation of turbulent flows with separation”,“PIV-based non-intrusive determination of unsteady aerodynamic loads” and soon.