



报告题目:A high-order targeted ENOscheme for large-eddy simulation of incompressible and compressible turbulence





Even for state-of-the-art implicit LES (ILES) methods, where the truncationerror acts as physically-motivated subgrid-scale model, simultaneouslyresolving turbulence and non-turbulence subgrid scales is an open challenge.For the purpose of dealing with these scales, such as shocks, extra shocksensors, which are case-dependent and may not maintain the monotonicity, aregenerally employed. The problem originates in the lack of scale-separationbetween low-wavenumber smooth regions, high-wavenumber fluctuations, anddiscontinuities, and in inadequate scale-dependent numerical dissipation. Thetargeted ENO (TENO) approach allows for separately designing the dispersive anddissipative truncation error components. Thus it provides the suitableenvironment to develop an implicit LES model. A new 8-point 6th-order TENO8-A schemeis presented. Locally this scheme separates resolved and non-resolved scales.Low-wavenumber smooth scales are handled by an optimized linear scheme whilehigh-wavenumber components, that involve non-resolved fluctuations anddiscontinuities, are subjected to adaptive nonlinear dissipation. The newscheme is Galilean invariant and does not involve separate sensors to detectflow structures, such as shocks. Benchmark simulations demonstrate that theTENO8-A scheme exhibits robust shock-capturing and high wave-resolutionproperties, and at the same time it reproduces the kinetic energy evolution forturbulence. Moreover, vorticity, entropy and acoustic modes of compressibleturbulence are handled at least as accurately as explicit or otherstate-of-the-art ILES models.


Dr. Xiangyu Hu obtained his PhD degree from Beijing Institute ofTechnology in 1999. After the post-doctoral researches Beijing, Singapore, andDresden. He joined Technical University of Munich as Scientific Assistant in2006. He is now serving the Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics asAdjunct Teaching Professor. He is also serving the international SPHERICsteering committee from 2008. Dr. Hu have been engaged in researches oncomputational fluid dynamics (CFD). His main research fields aremulti-resolution and multi-scale modeling of multiphase flow, smoothed particlehydrodynamics (SPH) method, high-order numerical schemes and others. He hasauthored or co-authored more than 60 papers in scientific journals and morethan 100 presentations in international conferences.